Image of a singer representing how to overcome self-consciousness by remembering it's not about you.

It’s Not About You: Overcoming Self-Consciousness

The Simple Key to Conquering Shyness and Developing Social Grace. Growing up, it’s safe to say that you could have described me as shy. At times, I’d probably also add socially awkward – at least, I thought so. Paradoxically however,…

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Dans les Oliviers by John Singer Sargent representing become a confident decision-maker

How to Become a Confident Decision-Maker

If you’re tired of being indecisive and regularly asking for other people’s opinions on your choices, learn how you can become a confident decision-maker by developing self-reliance.

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Woman looking out the window of a coffee shop symbollically contemplating how to regain focus and motivation.

Regaining Your Focus and Motivation on a Bad Day

If you’re struggling to regain your focus and motivation at work, learn how you can recenter, what actions can help you make the best of a tough day, and what you can do to minimize distracted days in the future.

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Man overlooking a mountain peak represents achievement in learning how to be more consistent

Part 2: How to Get Things Done and Become an Effective Person

When starting something new, we already know that consistency is key. However, despite this knowledge, most of us struggle to create consistency around new habits and ideas. So how does one manage to become the kind of person who’s able to not only start something, but also make it sustainable long term?

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A book and a flower in front of a picture of a window opening up to Paris, alluding to why stories matter.

Why Stories Matter: Make Time to Read

When life gets busy, reading literature such as fiction is often one of the first things that falls to the wayside – if it was ever a priority to begin with. Many of us feel it’s an unnecessary luxury. It…

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